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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Air conditioning Accessories

             Compressor is used for pump the refrigerant vapor from the evaporator and for increase the pressure and temperature of the refrigerant vapor through the process of compression.d
compressor can be classified into two
1.                  displacement type
2.                  dynamic type
Displacement type and dynamic type can hermatic or semi-hermatic ( open type)
Displacement type can be divided into there.
1.                  reciprocating type
2.                  rotary vane type
3.                  rotary screw type
Dynamic type can be classified into two
1.                  radial flow type
2.                  axial flow type
Displacement compressor can be classified the following
-          reciprocating compressor
-          rotary compressor
-          rolling piston compressor
-          rotary vane compressor
-          screw compressor
-          scroll compressor
Dynamic compressor
-          centrifugal compressor
-          turbo compressor.

Condensers are used to reject heat from the refrigerant system.
Refrigerant enters the condenser in a super heat state
Refrigerant may leave the condenser as a saturated or sub-cooled liquid.
Based on the external fluid, condenser can be classified as
1.                  air cooled condenser
2.                  water cooled condenser
3.                  and evaporative condenser
-          air cooled condenser can be classified into 2
1.                  natural convection type
2.                  force convection type
-          water condenser can be classified into 3
1.                  double pipe or tube type
2.                  shell and coil type
3.                  shell and tube type
-evaporative condenser
1. used in medium to large capacity systems
2. normally cheaper compared to water cooled
3. water-consumption is typically very low.
selection of condenser type is not easy and depends on following criteria
-          condenser heat capacity
-          condensing temperature and pressure
-          the flow rate of refrigerant and coolant
-          design temperature for water and or air
-          operation period
-          climatic conditions.
Expansion device
-Reduce pressure from condenser pressure to evaporator pressure
-controllable its functions which may involve the supply of the liquid to the evaporator at the rate, and it is evaporated.
There are basically seven types of refrigeration system:
1.                  hand (manual) expansion valve
2.                  capillary tubes
3.                  orifice
4.                  constant pressure or automatic valve (AVE)
5.                  thermostatic expansion valve(TEV)
6.                  float type expansion valve
-          high side float valve
-          low side float valve
7.                  electronic expansion valve.
Evaporator the refrigerant boils or evaporates and in doing so absorbs heat from the substance that is being refigerated.
evaporator can be classified into
1. liquid coolers
3.                  air coolers
4.                  gas coolers
-specialized tools for setting up an air conditioning
1. Nut driver
2. Ratchet box wrenches
Flare nut wrenches
Inspection Mirror
Wring and crimping tools
Stapling tackers
tube cutter
flaring tool
swaging tools
tube bender
tube brushers
plastic tubing shear
gage manifold
vaccum pump
halide leak detector
Utrasound leak detector
Electronic leak
Air balancing meter

1)   ចាប់ Support Duct
2)   ដាក់កំពស់ Indoor Unit 3.5m(ប្រែប្រួល)ប្រើនីវ៉ូទឹក(Level)ហើយ Outdoor Unitកំណត់ពី​ 3ទឹកពីជញ្ជាំង។
3)   រត់ទុយោស្ពាន់រួចស៊កហ្កេន(Insulation)
4)   រត់ទុយោទឹក។
5)   រត់ខ្សែភ្លើង។
6)   ភ្ជាប់(Connect)ទុយោស្ពាន់ដោយកាត់និងពង្រីករួចConnectខាងមុខនិងខាងក្រោយ។
7)   រួចធ្វើTestរកកន្លែងលេចធ្លាយដោយប្រើN2
8)   ប្រើVacuum Pump DownរួចCharge Refrigerate  រួចControls Refrigeration 

ការធ្វើ Maintenant A/C

                             I.        ការលេចទឹក៖ ខ្យល់ចូលច្រើនពេក, ស្ទះទុយោទឹកហូរ។
                           II.        ភាពមិនត្រជាក់៖ កុំព្រេសស័រ, ប្រព័ន្ទSensorខ្យល់។
ដំបូងEvaដើររួចភ្ជាប់ទៅតេដង់ដ័រនៅ5minក្រោយ។ហើយដោះរបាង់ចេញរួចយកថង់ស៊កលាងOutdoor ដោះដុំកង្ហារ​ចេញយកថង់ស៊កដោះយកកញ្ចែ្រង

2 Main components of a generator
The main components of an electric generator can be broadly classified as follows (refer to illustration above):

(1) Engine
(2) Alternator
(3) Fuel System
(4) Voltage Regulator
(5) Cooling and Exhaust Systems
(6) Lubrication System
(7) Battery Charger
(8) Control Panel
(9) Main Assembly / Frame

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