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Friday, July 15, 2016

On the Toefl testing for entrance examination

On the TOEFL Test

  1. Camels store water _________ of fat in their humps.
a)      with the form
b)      in the form
c)      by the form
d)     form
  1. Tears contain an antiseptic that helps protect our eyes_______ infection.
a)      from bacterial
b)      in bacterial
c)      bacterial
d)     with bacterial
  1. So far only two other of your own neighboring planets_________ the solar system have been visited unmanned spacecraft.
a)      by
b)      that they are in
c)      in
d)     they are by
  1. The behavior of many volcanoes _______ predict, especially the more explosive types.
a)      are
b)      is
c)       that
d)     being
  1. _______  more than 2,000 minerals are known, nearly all rocks are formed from seven mineral groups.
a)      Although
b)      However
c)      Despite
d)     Since
  1. Alexader Granham Bell worked with deaf students before _________ the first telephone in 1876.
a)      designed
b)      was designed
c)      to design
d)     designing
  1. An enzyme works by coming in contact with a particular substance, ________ with it, and charging it.
a)      combine
b)      combining
c)      it combines
d)     to combine
  1. Foods of animal origin generally supply greater amounts of iron to the diet than_______.
a)      are foods of plant origin
b)      foods of plant origins
c)      do foods of plan origin
d)     plant origin foods
  1. __________ energy for growth or repair, a plant must carry out photosynthesis.
a)      To obtain
b)      It obtains
c)      It is obtaining
d)     Obtaining
  1. Nicotine,__________ found in tobacco, is named after the French diploma Jean Nicot.
a)      It is a chemical compound
b)      is  a chemical compound
c)      a chemical compound
d)     chemical compound is
  1. __________ the world’s most successful artificial language.
a)      As Esperanto is
b)      That Esperanto
c)      It is Esperanto
d)     Esperanto
  1. ________ food we eat lacks minerals, then the body can use the stores from its bones for more urgent needs.
a)      As the
b)      If the
c)      The since
d)     Since
  1. _____________ an organism to became a fossil.
a)      Rarely
b)      It is rare
c)      Rare is
d)     It is rare for
  1. Among sea horses, _________ carries and hatches the eggs in a special breeding pouch.
a)      it is the male which
b)      the male it
c)      it is the male
d)     the male who

  1. The thyroid gland, _________, is located in the neck.
1.      where the hormone thyroxine is produced
2.      where produced is the houmone thyroxine
3.      the hormone thyroxine is produced there
4.      at which is produced the hormone thyroxine
  1. According to legend, Besty Ross was the woman ________ the first American stars and stripes flag.
1.      whom she made
2.      made
3.      who made
4.      and she made
  1. Pumpkin seeds, ______ protein and iron, are a popular snack.
1.      that
2.      provide
3.      which
4.      which provide
  1. The spinal cord is a long, thick bundle of nerves ___________ from the brain to the lower part of the back.
  1. that runs
  2. is running
  3. it run
  4. whom it runs
  1. The pepper plants bears a small green berry _______ red as it ripens.
1)      which
2)      turns
3)      it turns
4)      that it turns
  1. Paper is made from cellulose fibers, ____________ in all cells.
1)      are
2)      which are
3)      they are
4)      which they are
  1. Pumpkin seeds, __________ protein and iron, are a popular snack.
1)      that
2)      provide
3)      which
4)      which provide
  1. __________ laser beam  can be moved easily in all directions, it can be used for highly accurate cutting in industry.
1)      Because of
2)      It is a
3)      A
4)      As a
  1. After Macro _______ his degree, he plans to seek employment in an engineering firm.
1)      will finish
2)      will have finished
3)      fishes
4)      is finishing
  1. By the time Cotte leaves work today, the _________  the budget report.
1)      will finish
2)      will have finished
3)      has finished
4)      finishes

  1. _____  ____ Herman Melville is now regarded as one of American’s finest writers, his greatest workers mystified readers in his own lifetime.
1)      It is despite
2)      Despite
3)      Even though
4)      In spite of 

Ø      Identify the one underlined that much be changed in order to correct one.

  1. Behavior therapy uses rewards and punishments to encourage patients to act in a way healthier.
  2. The pony Express from 1860 to 1861 became one of the most colorful episodes in American post history.
  3. The pioneer raised corn as their chief crop because they kept well in any season and could be used in many ways.
  4. A coral reef in millions of tiny coral polyps which are a form of small animal related to anemones and jellyfishes.
  5. Psychologist use standardized tests to help measure abilities, aptitudes interesting, and personality traits.
  6. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were commissioned by the U.S government to map the lands between St. Louis to the Pacific.
  7. As a pure white sugar, dextrose used mainly in candy, baked goods, and canned goods.
  8. Paul Dunbar wrote poetry in standard English about tradition poetic subjects and about the heroes of black American.
  9. American pioneer did water systems from logs with holes bored through their centers.
  10. Polls following scientific procedures began in 1935 with the experiment nationwide surveys of George Gallup and Elm Roper.
  11. Off all seashore plants, seaweeds are best able to tolerate long periods out of water, followed by long periods covering by water.
  12. The fruit of the plantain looks much like a banana, whether it is not so sweet and so pleasing in flavor.
  13. White blood cells live only for a few days; they are poisoned by the bacteria in which they capture.
  14. A mainframe computer is large and is usually used to operate a network of another computer.
  15. Ancient Egyptians used asbestos to weave funeral garments for king and other/another important person.
  16. Asbestos has so/such many properties that it was used in all modern building.
  17. Marie Curie made/did a great contribution to science through her discovery of radium, although it proved fatal to her.
  18. Insufficient protein in the diet any cause a lack of energy, stunted growth, and lowering resistance to disease.

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